Mozilla Add-ons

Add-ons for Firefox
Commercial? No
Type of site Extension hosting
Registration Free; only needed for developers or for special features
Owner Mozilla Foundation
Created by Andy McKay, Chris Howse, Gregory Koberger, Jeff Balogh, Jorge Villalobos (jorgev), Justin Scott (fligtar), Kumar McMillan, Matt Claypotch, Stephen Donner, Wil Clouser, et. al.[1]
Current status Active

Mozilla Add-ons is the official Mozilla Foundation website to act as a repository for add-ons for Mozilla software, including Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and Mozilla Sunbird. These add-ons include extensions, themes, dictionaries, search bar "search engines," and plugins. Because of its domain name, the site is informally also known as AMO.[2]

In contrast to which provides free hosting for Mozilla-related projects, Mozilla Add-ons is targeted to end-users, not just software developers. Many Mozilla applications contain direct links to the website, and contain settings to poll for updates to the extensions and the application itself. Firefox 3 includes features for retrieving and displaying content from the website in the add-on manager.[3]

On January 30, 2008, it was announced that over 600 million add-ons had been downloaded from the site and that over 100 million add-ons automatically check the site for updates every day.[4]


Formerly, Mozilla Add-ons was known as Mozilla Update (or UMO, as the hostname was The site underwent several changes its first launch and its becoming AMO.[5]


External links